from my usrahmate...Good insight my fren..You have got many points there!
That's what a visit to JAKIM's website made me feel.
Berperanan sebagai sebuah " Agensi Pusat " yang unggul dalam
menguruskan pembangunan Hal Ehwal Islam ke arah melahirkan ummah
yang progresif dan berakhlak mulia.
Ah is it so? Really ah? So flowery,la-di-da words.
Then why is it that its site is full of kursus pengajaran al-
Quran,fiqh,tafsir,haji and kursus nikah. Besides having a
pertandingan nasyid of course.As always. Is Hal Ehwal Islam
pertaining to these things only? It is bad enough that MALAYSIA does
not recognize islamic law as "law of Malaysia" legally, or that the
SOCIETY thinks Islam is just about halal food,mahkamah syariah,i.e
kes cerai/rujuk artis/masjid when the word Islam pops into their
But should an ISLAMIC DEPARTMENT which specifically operates towards
development of Islam itself confines Islam to rituals only. Doesn't
Islam connects to every aspect of our daily life rather than the
ones above only? Why does it not talk about these things also.Islam
is wholesome for goodness sake.Music,fashion,women's rights,good
deeds,bravery,sports,science,nature.All are islamic!
And again, the word ummah.Is it not including us,TEENS also?. I'm
tired of being in mosques full of old people only. Or hearing
islamic talks that has no appeal sense to the young crowd at all. At
the start of 'tuan-tuan dan puan-puan sekalian',we would go zZz.(I
would confess that I never manage to stay up for the after prayers
khutbah hari raya aidil adha...until now still!).And I'm 23 this
year.Things never change.
Islam is cool, it's fun.But the islamic department do not even have
allocations or room or even a youth wing to attract the youngs.No
channel, no funding, no programs for them except for maybe kursus
dakwah or pertandingan hafazan.
And then they go wild at teens romancing by the lake,kissing,wearing
sexy clothes.Yes! Lets capture their pictures,put it on those cheap
tabloids and dont forget to put that black mark over their eyes so
people would not recognize it and it will be sensational! Then the
society,the politicians or the religous people would go tsk-tsking,
wondering out loud (on purpose) of what is becoming of their teens
today.Things were not as they were during their dinosour times.And
the cycle of shifting the blame begins.
Yet they never learn, to open their eyes,reach out and connect to
the teens.And they never feel what these teens felt. Miserable,cold
and wet.Lost their religion without knowing it.Because they are not
taught to know it.They lose their grip because they cannot feel it
anymore. They are neglected.Well, I for one feel neglected.
The teens do not bother about islam today coz even the islamic
department do not bother to bother about them at all. Such a waste
of fresh and young energy.And such a misconception of Islam being a
dull and no-no religion are they creating by being silent and doing
nothing for the youth.
Perhaps JAKIM should be called department of rukun-rukun islam and
death/marriages/harta sepencarian aspects of Islam.Maybe my words
are harsh.But I love Islam, and the Muslim youth. So perhaps i can
call this a shout-out outta love.
P/S: and about the JAKIM's can forget progresif dan
berakhlak mulia