Tuesday, October 25, 2005

taking me back to my alma mater..

juz received my M.A offer letter....at last..pewh...dis time with a very complicated matric no...huwa..dulu..dapat senang jek..sume org pon ingat..haha..0138000--d 8000th student enrol during the 3rd sem for the 01/02 session...unfortunately, i've already got a contractual job..until january...huhu..seems like i haf to fill in the deferment form.. howa...got another email from nesibe today...hope she's fine in Turkey...seronok tgk her pics in syria..and also..hehe..in our alma mater...with some turkish comments..hehe..don't understand any of the words..except.."buyuk"..if i'm not mistaken..huhu

Since the foundation of the university in 1983, IIUM has been producing graduates who are expected to be the agent of change, bringing about prosperity, well being and harmony in their community.The Alumni of IIUM has been serving their community in various fields and nature. Their contributions have given benefits to the community, other alumni and their alma mater.


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